Saturday, January 29, 2011

The End.

Today is January 29, the final day of the blog-a-thon. I have already blogged more than half the number of times I did all year last year - don't know if I'm supposed to feel good about that, or bad that I only had 54 entries in 2010.

I still have six weeks left in my writing course, so that should keep me in the swing of things for a while yet, so you probably haven't seen the last of me.

While this final entry will probably be in the running for boring blog of the year, I do have to share this with you. 

The end of January also brings with it the early registration deadline for Relay for Life. As you probably know, The Pink Panters are the most fun loving relay team on the track. We take the fight against cancer seriously, however we make the weekend fun! If you think you'd like to be an official part of the team, c'mon out and REGISTER HERE - you pay a $10 registration fee, which includes a t-shirt. After February 1st the registration fee is $15. As an official member, you'll get a website which is super easy to maintain, that makes getting donations from people really quite simple.

If you want to help out by taking a turn walking the track sometime during the 24-hour period (Starting May 14th 10am) , but would prefer to dress in your best pinky pinkness instead of registering and getting a t-shirt, you can let me know sometime in the next couple of months. I'm sure we'll be having a couple of team meetings soon to rally the troops.

If you are not into dressing up and/or walking or you just live too darn far away, feel free to donate HERE at my personal cyber money collection page. (I'll even find another way to collect your cash if you are still in the last century and don't do electronic money)

We also are always looking for people to help sell raffle tickets to our now famous PINK PANTER QUILT raffle, which raises a significant percentage of our funds.

Last year we raised over $5500. I believe we were in the top 15 fundraisers out of about 200 teams. Yay us! Yay you!

Please help us Celebrate. Remember. Fight Back. You never know when cancer is going to strike close to home. Last year I was celebrating 18 months of survivorship at Relay For Life. I certainly had no idea that 10 days later I'd be sitting next to my son's hospital bed being told he had a cancerous lung tumor at the age of 23.

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