Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Not Exactly a New Fridge, But a Winfall None-the-less.

We had Christmas in July today!

We were just barely rolling out of bed this morning when Purolator came to the door with a delivery for Jed. And just like every Christmas, he excitedly helped to haul the boxes in, hoping with all his heart for a new snowmobile or laptop. And while his fantasy once again did not come true, it was exciting to go through the seven large boxes of stuff.
We are plugging right along on his basement suite and new front entrance on our house, with move-in day projected to be September 1st.

While I am ever grateful for the grant from Giving in Action towards the construction, I am not above looking for further hand outs. And as such, I called the Disability office last week to see if Jed could get some help financing the new appliances he is going to need.

"No, sorry. We can't give financial support for appliances," the kind lady on the phone told me. "But..." She got all excited to tell me about a one-time project of the government to supply "tenant starter kits" to qualified individuals who are 1st time tenants.
And so, 3 days later, we had Christmas in July. The products are not items you'd likely find in the aisles of Tiffany's or Saks 5th Avenue, but we still consider them fantastic gifts from God that came through Zellers, President's Choice and Canadian Tire via the Provincial Government of BC. And for that we are truly thankful!


Jean said...

so, what all did he get? mom

Liana said...

I'll see if I can play the memory game after my brief glance at everything 36 hours ago:

face cloths
dish cloths
tea towels
bath mat
shower curtain
paper towels
dish soap
laundry soap
set of pots
set of dishes
laundry basket
2 large rubbermaid containers
dust pan
kitchen tools
set of knives
cutting board
measuring cups/spoons
mixing bowls
plastic sippy cups (he'll save them for when he's an uncle)
2 pillows
tooth paste
cookie sheet
cake pan
pyrex dish
cook book
health guide
nutrition books
pot holder
cheese grater
flash light w/batteries
alarm clock

There was probably more, but I think that's pretty close .... I usually win the memory game when we play it at showers :)

mari said...

wow that's alot of useful stuff. He's totally set up!

b said...

WOW. I don't think I have most of that stuff...but I do have a new fridge! yay!

mari said...

your getting down to crunch time for the wedding... How's Jade doing?
I found a cape to wear but no midieval dress... P has a shirt but no pants. I may have found something for M, but not the baby... But we're still working on it!
And looking forward to the wedding!

I'm Sexy and I Know It ...

 Who'da thunk??!?  My film debut would be me in a swimsuit, showcasing an exercise program?  Seriously!  As is my usual two-to-four time...