Monday, October 22, 2007

Why can't we hibernate an be completely unaware winter even exists.

Christmas is coming! At least all my neighbours seem to think so. The neighbour to my left and 4 houses in a row across the street all put their christmas lights up on the weekend. They haven't actually turned them on, but they're ready.

And me. Well I still have summer blooming in full glory. My dollar store foliage in the boxes around the deck is getting a little faded now. I did replace some of the blatantly summerish blooms with autumn coloured stems about six weeks ago. But even the most die-hard summer enthusiast has to know when succumb to nature's change in seasons.

It only took about 18 seconds to pull up all my plants and stuff them into a bag for next year. And presto! Summer was over.

It may be a bit early for the Nativity scene, so I think I'll just keep the blinds closed, look at my beautiful bouquet from my husband and ignore fact winter is coming.

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