Monday, April 20, 2009

"Sleep" over.

You really take your chances when you offer to have a sleep over with a child who is not quite seven weeks old.

We kept Xander overnight on Saturday and then I took him to church on Sunday. And while this is not something I will sign up for on a weekly basis, truthfully, the experience could not have gone any smoother.

We had a fun evening swinging, reading stories and having a bath. Xander was down for the count by 10:30 and I was awake for no more than 30 minutes at 2am to feed and change him.

Granny and PaPa's sleep was a little bit restless because Xander likes to snort and thrash around in his sleep. I'd lay there thinking, "Ok, now he's gonna squawk and I'm gonna have to get up." But he never did wake up until morning.

He woke up about 7:15 happier and more talkative than I have ever seen him. It was fun (as fun as 7 am can be)

He played and stayed awake until the 9 o'clock car ride to church where he fell asleep. And while I envisioned him singing louder than the choir, he actually slept through the entire service except for a brief 10 minute period when he woke up and looked around smiling and wowing all the women around him.

I'm very proud of him .......... can you tell?

Listening intently to Uncle Jed read Dr Suess.

Loves his bath time now.

He woke up just cooing and grinning away.

Picking a Sunday outfit was a big decision,
but the Canucks won out.

Reading to Xander is good practice for Uncle Jed:


Jean said...

you're such a lucky grandma! wish I werecloser but then we'd be fighting over him, wouldn't we? lol

GraceeJ said...

That was a priceless video!

Anonymous said...

awwwww thats cute go jed :) tyler

I'm Sexy and I Know It ...

 Who'da thunk??!?  My film debut would be me in a swimsuit, showcasing an exercise program?  Seriously!  As is my usual two-to-four time...