Monday, October 26, 2009


Oooooph! That kinda sounds like a kick in the guts don't it? I'm sure that's how I'll feel come Thursday. That's when I get my long awaited total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.

Oophorectomy. What a strange word. It simply means removal of the ovaries.

And it simply means I'll wake up Friday morning in full blown surgically induced menopause. Actually I'm not quite sure it'll hit me in the face quite that soon. Even with all the information available at my fingertips it still feels like walking through the door of the unknown.

As I reached my "one year cancer free" mark last week I read through my blogs of last October. It's amazing the details and things you forget in that short time and I am glad to have kept a record, as scattered brained as it may have been at the time.

I am quite sure that this blog will continue to be my outlet and my record of feelings, thoughts and memories as I take this next phase of the journey called life.

While you are certainly welcome to come along with me, please do not feel obliged to do so if you think you might be offended or disgusted by talk of ovaries, and blood and hormones and other such glamorous girly things. But if you do, please occasionally drop a note of support for my amazing husband who is quite likely not going to know what hit him.

1 comment:

GraceeJ said...

I think Oophorect sounds like the name of a Greek goddess of sorts?

Happy Swim-a-versary to Me!

These two selfies were taken exactly 75 minutes apart.  On January 8, 2023.  The first, as I was proudly about to walk into my very first sw...