Friday, March 28, 2008

Scrambled thoughts.

It's Beginner's Show-and-Tell month at the Artist's Co-op this month. I submitted 4 entries. I was a little bit surprised at the number of people who attended the open house the other night.

We are currently on a few week break between classes. The next session starts on Tuesday - one day after I start my digital painting class online. And we are deep in the midst of wedding planning, shopping, surfing, sewing... And homeshow season at work is in full swing (lots of ad and sign design happening) and the NHL race is so tight and intense with play-offs just around the corner, and my hairdresser broke her shoulder and I really need a haircut....

And we received word yesterday that the funding has been approved for us to build a basement suite for Jed. This, I must tell you, I am so pleased and thankful to God about. I realize this venture will be far more labour intensive for Alb than for me, but I am really looking forward to getting a plan and direction in place for Jed.

Then maybe there will be some semblance and order to our lives. Or not. I've heard it said that life is what happens while we are waiting. Doesn't that seem so true? We are always waiting for this or waiting for that before we can get on with our real life. I suspect we'll all be laying on our death beds breathing our last, before we can truly sigh, "Finally, I can get on with my real life."

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