Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Unknowingly, What You Inhaled, is now Embedded in My Lungs...

So I step out onto the deck at 10pm. The smell of pot wafts into my nostrils.

Nobody has smoked marijuana on my property that is a 120x70ft lot. (I may or may not deny having applied some MJ massage cream into my skin this evening)

This can only mean that the nearest back-door-pot-smoking has occurred at least 200 feet from me.

I get to thinking about this.

The fact that I can smell this means that molecules of marijuana that have been breathed into someone else's lungs, then exhaled, have managed to reach my private space quite some distance away.

It's been almost 40 years for me... I hated it so much (and I tried numerous time just to be sure )  that I can't even imagine it being fun, even now that it is legal. 
Those very molecules of mj that I am smelling have been inside someone else's lungs. And they are now inside my lungs.

This kinda pisses me off.

It also awakens my awareness.

So often we think we are "doing things in private" so it's nobody else's business. Yet we have absolutely NO idea how we are affecting those around us.

But the fact is, if we are living on this earth we are part of an integrated community and what we do affects many others, just as the actions of others affect us.

I don't even know how to bring conclusion to this post...

I have been on a healing journey for ... well, to be honest, for 55 years...

But in recent months and years, I have been so impacted by so many people who have no idea that they were making life altering comments, actions and inputs...

It makes me consider my own actions....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Coughing, sneezing, sniffling, snorting
Smoking, toking, popping, pushing, begging, borrowing, stealing
Plastics, packaging, fashion trends, household design trends
It's everywhere you turn and in places you'll never get to see
Products are disposable and it's spiraling out of control
It seems like "giving a second thought" before acting is not second nature for too many. I'm sure I'm much more aware than I was in my younger days, and wish we could collectively wake up and smell our ethically sourced coffee.
Too many lives impacted by actions of others indeed - near and far.
Still, love what you do, write what's in your heart, keep coloring your dreams your way. Those near you will take in what you share

I'm Sexy and I Know It ...

 Who'da thunk??!?  My film debut would be me in a swimsuit, showcasing an exercise program?  Seriously!  As is my usual two-to-four time...