Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Jealous of the Rain

TV wasn't a huge part of our marriage, but we did watch the music competition reality shows. It was our thing.  And if there were no shows currently running, we watched (and re-watched and watched again) endless youtube videos of various past performances. I will let you guess who operated the remote control.

I think he liked to imagine himself in the the contestant's position and think about what his life might be like had he made some different, more musically inspired, choices in life. (And I thank God daily that he didn't.) He certainly didn't regret his life choices, and probably would have done things much the same if given the chance for a do-over. But sometimes its fun to just imagine...

While Albert would understand the technicalities of these shows and could hear every mistake, key change and pitchy-ness, I just knew if I liked it or didn't like it. And really didn't have an explanation of why something fit into the like or dislike category.

And I learned to not overly rave about someone I loved until AFTER he expressed his good/bad opinion, cuz it got a little embarrassing to hoot and holler with enthusiasm over a "great song" only to learn that it was totally pitchy and out of sync with the band.  :)

One of his most loved performances to watch and re-watch was Josh Daniel's audition performance of "Jealous of the Rain" on the X-factor. He cried his way through it every.single.time.

I don't even pretend to know anything about stereos and decent sound. I'm totally fine with listening to music through my iPhone speaker and have been known to not even power on the stereo in my vehicle for months at a time.

But today I listened to Josh Daniel sing "Jealous of the Rain" while I was driving with Francesca, my new ride.  I think Albert would be pretty impressed with her Bose stereo that I think could possibly make your ears bleed with volume and still sound decent.

And for the first time, I cried my way through this song, as it pounded through those Bose speakers with entirely new meaning for me.

Oh Baby, I'm jealous of the rain.

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