Saturday, September 23, 2017

Paint Palette Panic!

I have made most of my major decisions concerning our current major renovations. I got my cupboards all selected, chosen the countertop, bought the flooring, got lights, ordered a new window.

I will need to get some new furniture as well but I'm not too worried about that right now. I don't want to store new furniture in my dusty renovation space, and besides, we will probably be sitting on tree stumps and using boxes for tables by the time I spend all my money travelling and getting new shoes.

But paint. I am going to need paint.

I have bits of creative thought rambling around in my brain but I know we are a ways away from painting so I haven't been feeling too stressed. I know I want to use Dulux Diamond paint. I'm not an expert by any means when it comes to painting and decorating. But I used this paint when I did the basement a few years ago - simply because I got a BOGO-free coupon in the mail. It was the best paint I have ever used, it rolled on nicely, covered amazingly and washes wonderfully. It was also $78 a gallon. Acceptable when it's buy one get one free.

I had a thought the other day that I should start periodically checking the Dulux website for sales. Which I promptly did. And low and behold if the BOGO sale didn't start that day.

What!!??! Crap.

Well, not crap that the sale is happening. But crap, it's happening now. Which means I have to make some decisions.

Bizarrely enough, this is the decision I am stressing the most about in the entire renovation. Which is so silly. It's only paint. And for $78 you can change your mind twice a year if you don't like it. The cupboards, flooring, lighting, appliances are all major purchases that I will live with for a long time - some of them probably the rest of my life.

I have quite literally lost many hours sleep this week and I completely change my palette vision every 12 hours or so. I am in a complete tizzy over somewhat temporary colour while I'm pretty chill with the things that are most permanent.

Sadly, such is life many times. We get all freaked out over little things in the here and now, and casually brush off the things that affect the more permanent big picture.

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