Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Happy 1st Anniversary BiFF!

Many people refer to their wedding day as the day they married their best friend.

On August 3, 2020 I truly did marry my best friend.

We didn't fall in love and then become the best of friends. We didn't date to test our relationship for compatiblity. Quite the opposite occured. He had been my very good friend for many years when circumstances played out and put him in the position of being my best friend. My BFF. Or BiFF, as I like to call him.

And love just sort of snuck up on us.

And 365 days ago we commited before God, family and friends to remain BFF's forever.

It's been a crazy year.

And I've loved every moment of it!

I'd do it again tomorrow. And tomorrow after that. And tomorrow after that. And every tomorrow to follow.

I love him more every single day. Each day I truly am even more grateful for him than I was the day before.

I am so so blessed.

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