Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Random Coincidence? Or Evil Mind Control?

O.M.G. Facebook is freaking me out!
There's been lots of discussion the past few years about FB and our TVs and phones 'listening' to our daily lives and incorporating it into the algorithms of advertising (or using the info as fodder for the powers-that-be to take over the world - depending on your conspiracy theory point of view)
And I admit I've had some questionable coincidences to support the listening in theory. But are they able to 'thought control'? 
Now, I've often made it known that my mind never stops, so many many thoughts of vastly varying subject matter are always floating just beneath the surface of my consciousness. So it's reasonable to understand that when a subject matter comes up, I can often truthfully say, "I was just thinking about that." 
However, today's thoughts were just a bit too randomly weird. 
I awoke at 6:30am. My very first waking thoughts were about my Facebook 'username'. I'm not sure how it works for newer FB members but way back in the day - a decade ago to be exact, you had to choose a 'username' if you wanted a short web address to your facebook account instead of a string of about a thousand letters, numbers and symbols. I chose 
My waking thought was wondering if I even tried to get or if I went straight for elzee. /liana belongs to Liana Tipperman from Maryland and it appears she joined in 2012 so I have to think it was available for the taking in 2009. Anyway, I digress... 
My very first thoughts this morning were about choosing my fb username. I got out of bed, made my coffee and plunked down at the computer and opened facebook, sort of on autopilot for surely fb is in the process of taking over the world and is already controlling my mind.  
Normally, my first course of action when opening fb would be to go through any Messenger new messages first, then scan through my notifications to see what gravely important posts are requiring my attention and then I will scroll down my newsfeed to see how the world is faring this morning.  
But today I opened facebook and clicked my Memories link first, which is odd enough, but then this is what pops up:

Screen shot of my FB Memories this morning

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