Tuesday, February 18, 2025

I'm Sexy and I Know It ...

 Who'da thunk??!? 

My film debut would be me in a swimsuit, showcasing an exercise program? 


As is my usual two-to-four times a week custom from October to April, I went to aquafit at the pool today.  I usually show up about 20 to 30 minutes early and do some core work treading water before the 50 min cardio program starts. 

The cardio program started at 12:10 today.  

I entered the pool about 11:40. Another gal joined me shortly thereafter.  We were the only two there in the shallow pool. 

A few minutes later the aquafit instructor waved the two of us over. He is a super friendly guy who just started leading these classes, of mostly elderly women, at the beginning of the New Year.  He's only been in Canada, from south Asia, for about two years. 

He was quite nervous and a wee bit awkward to start with. 

But he has really come along the last 6 or 7 weeks.  He is always asking for input and opinion in his broken English.

He waved the two of us over and asked if we'd be okay if he video'd while he instructed and explained the differences between doing jumping jacks in shallow water versus deep water versus on land. This was a requirement of his becoming certified as a fitness instructor. 

I thought it weird that he would ask just us two rather than waiting for the entire class to arrive.  

We gave our "click here to accept" consent without really knowing what we were consenting to. 

Before we knew it he set up his phone camera on a tripod, the music in the entire pool shut off and he waved us over to the end of the pool. 

And the two of us were versed in the art of doing jumping jacks for about 10 minutes. 

By the time the recording was over, a dozen or so others had entered the pool wondering why the heck they were apparently late for class when they were still 5 minutes early. 

Our film debut ended right at 12:10.  

Time for class to start. 

He motioned for the class to start the warm-up jogging while he went to fire up the music playlist. 

After 15 minutes of silence throughout the complex (so the instructor's instructions could be heard on his phone camera while he recorded his two willing participant athletes) the class music started belting out... 

"I'm Sexy and I Know It " was the first song. 

Followed by Adam Levine belting out "Moves Like Jagger." 

Coincidental that these two songs were the first ones played after my swimsuit film debut? 

I think not. 

I'm Sexy and I Know It ...

 Who'da thunk??!?  My film debut would be me in a swimsuit, showcasing an exercise program?  Seriously!  As is my usual two-to-four time...